Sunday, January 10, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas (aka 2009 Year in Review)

Twas the night before Christmas, and the Delaneys were dancing,
to Jingle Bell Rock while reindeer were prancing.
We were kicking it up and taking our cues
from Grandma, Papa, Cousin Taylor, and Aunt Sus.

In Washington state, we dined on a polish feast,
With special kielbasa shipped in from out east.
Of all who were gathered, Darby seemed to eat most,
While Casey refused anything but PBJ on toast.

Then the stockings were taped to a window in haste,
A plate of Santa's cookies, the kids nearly laid waste.
When finally sleeping were one girl and two boys,
We settled right down to the assembly of toys.

After seeing how loud the siren really blows,
Chris doused Erika with the fire truck's hose.
Then Susan attempted Taylor's Sit and Spin,
but found that a grown-up just can't win.

Having tested the loot, bellies full of pierogies,
We envisioned our future, many nights such as these.
A cup of tea in hand, children safely all tucked,
I had a few moments to ponder such luck.

The year 2009 had begun with some unrest.
Where it would take us, we couldn't have guessed.
Chris knew his employment would come to an end,
He had leads to follow and resumes to send.

Meanwhile Darby was just a babe of eight weeks
With ten tiny toes and four chubby cheeks.
As sweet as could be, but he cried all day long.
We comforted him with endless bouncing and song.

Sleeping hardly a wink, still we persevered,
As the economy tanked and job ads disappeared.
But Chris's mom's friend's brother-in-law came through,
And he departed to Madison for a day-long interview.

Then one day in March the phone rang with a clatter;
I sprang to the desk to see what was the matter.
In the happiest voice, Chris gave me the news:
He had an offer in hand and knew what to choose.

Then he burst through the door, to us all gave a whistle,
And to Wisconsin we flew like the down on a thistle.
Well, not quite. We had many, many boxes to pack,
Much more than would fit in one little sack.

We played one last softball game and said our goodbyes,
And as we drove from Minnesota, I tried not to cry.
Once the moving truck had deposited our freight,
We set out to explore what would be our home state.

Chris loved his new job, Darby stopped crying,
and the cats settled in without even trying.
Casey resisted till he discovered the zoo,
Then he came around and decided this would do.

We spent the summer putting new parks to the test,
trying the farmer's market, State Street, and the giant brat fest.
We interspersed these with not one, and not two,
but dozens more trips to the aforementioned zoo.

This year took Darby from first smiles to walking;
Before we know it, this kid will be talking.
Casey learned to be a caring big brother;
Now Darby will follow the example of no other.

This strange land called Wisconsin with all of its dairy
Feels more like home and a place we might tarry.
As 2010 begins, our prospects look bright,
With the closing on a new house coming into sight.

Now wishing you this as I strain for one last rhyme:
Many reasons to smile as you sing Auld Lang Syne.
To friends old and new, family far flung and more near,
Merry Christmas to all, and a happy new year.

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