Monday, February 8, 2010

Think "horror movie"

How bad is the dust in the new house?  See this post's title.

It's actually not nearly that bad overall, but you know what people don't touch ever again after installation? Ceiling fans. I did my best to clean a couple of them this weekend, and every first sweep of an arm would produce an impressive cloud of dust. I learned quickly to shield my eyes and to push the debris away from myself. But it left a pretty good pile of dust bunnies under the ladder.

Casey had been playing on his own but finally wandered into the room to see what I was up to. Immediately he drew up short at the sight of the dust piles.

"Daddy, what's this? What's this, Daddy?" (I hear that constantly -- always the repeated question, asked symmetrically.)

I told him they were dust piles and that they fell off the ceiling, etc. He studied them carefully while I scrubbed down a door.

"Yucky!" he announced.

"Yucky, you're right," I said.

"Daddy, I think this one's moving a little bit."


1 comment:

  1. For more on animated piles of dust, I recommend a watching of "My Neighbor Totoro".

    Kids love that friendly Totoro, and it features a cat who is also a bus!
