Darby isn't even two yet, but he wants to be a big kid. He doesn't want his food cut up. He wants to eat his hot dog or pizza or sandwich like the rest of us do, and he's getting better at it. He's growing up fast in other ways, too. The other day he asked me for apple juice (he says "apple" and "juice" very well). Without thinking, because it's become a habit with Casey, I said, "Darby, how do you ask nicely?" And he surprised the heck out of me by responding, "Please." I guess he's heard Casey and I go through that routine so often, he's got it down pat!

One new habit-- and I have no idea where he picked this up--is announcing that he's happy. He's happy pretty often, so we hear this throughout the day now: at mealtime, playtime, book time, snack time. He'll clap his hands and bounce up and down and say "Yay! Happy! Happy!" It's awesome. Hearing about other people's toddlers who are throwing tantrums and being difficult, it makes me want to gloat. I've got a good one!
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