Sunday, March 28, 2010

Eggstreme Egg-dying

This was Casey's first year to try egg-dying (a year ago we were so busy moving from Minnesota to Wisconsin, we didn't get around to it). He was so excited he could hardly wait for the eggs to boil, then cool. He actually spent quite a while standing on a chair in the kitchen watching the eggs cool.

I waited until Darby was ready to go down for a nap to break out the Paas. Darby would have loved it, but he also wouldn't have been able to control himself around so many fragile objects and spillable liquids. Next year, kiddo.

Casey enjoyed watching the dye tablets fizz in the vinegar. But the kid's full of curiosity. I found myself struggling to answer, "What is vinegar?" and the ensuing 15 follow-up questions. I was about ready consult a chemistry textbook, or The Joy of Cooking, or Wikipedia. Fortunately, we had bigger eggs to dye, so to speak.

Despite the mounting anticipation, Casey was very gentle handling the eggs. He was fascinated by lifting them in and out of the water and seeing how they got darker.

Casey declares a job well done.

He took the camera away from me to record his triumph himself.

He only broke one. And it didn't go to waste.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy birthday, Moonbeam Bear

Moonbeam Bear has been a treasured member of the family for several years now. He's always been Casey's favorite stuffed animal, the one he takes to bed every night. But lately Moonbeam Bear has really started to show signs of growing up. He doesn't just want to stay in Casey's bed all day; he wants to come out and play and participate in whatever crazy games Casey cooks up. (And believe me, Casey cooks up some crazy stuff. His favorite thing to ask me to play lately is something called "animal hide-and-seek jungle rescue helicopter ball game." Don't ask me what the rules are.)

Moonbeam Bear gets to ride in the "helicopter." He gets to hide while we seek. He gets to have picnics with play food. And all the while, Casey takes care of him, feeding him, diapering him, and putting him down for his nap. (Where was Casey's nurturing side 16 months ago when we had an actual baby in the house? I dunno.) Recently Moonbeam Bear switched from diapers to pull-ups. Today, according to Casey, Moonbeam Bear turned 2.

So, we had a little impromptu party. I helped the boys mix up a microwave chocolate cake. Now the great thing about cakes you can bake in the microwave is not the taste--which is not quite as a good as a legitimately baked cake--it's that it's ready in two minutes. Kids Casey's age like to see instant results for their effort.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Casey's favorite flavor

These days, this blog often functions as a diary, recording things that I don't want to forget down the road. And someday, this might be useful again.

When you're trying to get Casey or Darby to try food they're feeling reluctant about, there was that time when Casey refused to try the asparagus, contorting himself wildly to avoid the piece of asparagus as it approached. He was very concerned with what it would taste like. The magic answer, apparently, is that it would taste "green." As soon as this was suggested, he grinned, took the fork, and ate the asparagus up. REMEMBER THIS.

Also worth remembering: Casey's music education continues.

"Daddy, what song is this?"

"It's called 'The Kids Aren't Alright.'"

What was I thinking? I had to spend the next five minutes assuring him that "the kids" were really OK.

One Fine Day

I swear, we moved in the height of winter. Our first week here I was shoveling snow on a daily basis. Three weeks later, suddenly it's spring, the sun is shining, and we barely need coats. How did that happen so quickly?