Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A lot to learn

We're driving in the car when Casey heard part of a song lyric on the radio and needed immediate clarification:

Casey: "Dad, what did he say?"
Me: "What did who say?"
Casey: "What number's the loneliest number?"

Oh, Casey. You're so young.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I promised Casey I'd bring home Raisinets. I made sure Darby got a handful, too, presenting him with a pile on the desk he was sitting at.

Darby: You brought me chocolate beans!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Budding vigilantes

Casey: My superhero name is Doctor Pajama!

(Darby quickly dubbed himself "Doctor Clothes," as he hadn't switched to pajamas for the evening yet.)

Growing up

Darby: Daddy, I'm growing!
Chris: Right now?
Darby: Yes!
Chris: Cool!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Come here and get out!

Erika and I are chatting in the kitchen when Darby begins shrieking: "MOMMAY! MOMMAY!" Erika goes downstairs to check it out while I listen in.

Darby: "Leave me alone!"

Erika: "You ... want me to leave you alone?"'

Darby: "Yes, I said leave me alone!"

Erika: "Uh, OK. I'm going to go back upstairs where I won't bother you."

Man, is that kid 3 or what?