Saturday, June 4, 2011

What a peach

I stopped at the grocery store today and had both kids with me. We needed bananas immediately for lunch, so I was picking over the display for the yellowest I could find when that tingly parent sense kicked in. I turn around and there's Darby, just standing there, waiting, totally innocent and giving the impression that he hasn't moved at all. But I've learned to trust that feeling when I get it, so I kept the investigation open.

We're in the produce section, and I do a quick scan. Opposite the bananas, right next to Darby, is a big pile of peaches. And one of the peaches catches my eye, because it's the only one in the bin with a couple bites already taken out of it. My eyes narrow. I study Darby more closely, and he looks as still as he did before, but ... yes, there it is, his mouth is working something over.

"Darby, did you take a bite of this peach?"

"Oh yeah, Daddy!" Totally cheerful, not a care in the world.

And! Now he's finished with that bite, so WHILE I'M WATCHING, he reaches in to get some more -- and of course winds up with a completely different peach. At least I intercepted that one halfway to his mouth, but anyway ... that's the story of how I bought Darby a peach at the grocery store. He seemed to really like the rest of it once we got it home.

One more thing: I told Erika as soon as we got through the door, and she pointed out how it's kind of a whole new concern for us -- who could imagine Casey picking up a strange piece of fruit and starting to eat it?