Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Justice at 4

Hey neat, I just found an old file on my computer. I know, right? But it gets better! Apparently I knew I'd want to remember this, so I jotted this exchange down. It's more than a year old, but here's my attempt to explain jurisprudence to an inquisitive 4-year-old:

Casey: What do the police do?
Chris: They're there to enforce the law. We have lots of special rules that keep people safe and keep them from hurting each other, and the police are there to make sure people aren't breaking the rules.
Casey: The police make sure people are sharing?
Casey: What do the bad guys do?
Chris: The bad guys break the rules.
Casey: Do bad guys like to climb on the table?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Quote[s] of the [Holi]day

Ah, a day at home with the kids. So here's one from each:
Casey: Hey, Daddy? Remember last year, when the Twins lost too many games?
Me: Well, I try not to, but yes.
Casey: Maybe that will happen to the other hockey team that's playing the Wild.
Thanks, Casey. I love when he tries to cheer me up. And actually ... the Wild are looking surprisingly good so far.

Darby: I want pie sauce, too!
Erika: It's not called pie sauce, Darby, it's whipped cream.
Happy Thanksgiving, all.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here's one I saved from a month ago:
[Darby is wailing, profoundly upset.]
Chris: Darby, what is it? Why are you crying?
Darby: *chokes back the sobs* Casey called me a cabbage!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Well that didn't take long. I came home on time today:
Casey: I'm eating something!
Hmm. He's not supposed to have food downstairs, and he hasn't been upstairs since I got home.
Chris: What are you eating?
Casey: I saved a fruit snack in my cheek!

Service will resume

I've been enjoying the Quote of the Day concept and didn't mean to fall silent. The kids crack me up as much as they do anybody else, and my interest in jotting that stuff down remains at a high level. It's just that I'm in a tight spot at work and haven't had time to see the kids, and it's harder to report things I'm not there to witness. But rest assured I'll get back to it as soon as I can.

In the meantime, let's all ask Erika where the next batch of photos is!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Darby: I want another show!
Erika: Sorry, Darby, it's time for bed.
Darby: But I'm hungry!
Erika: It's time for bed, Darby. Let's go upstairs.
Darby: To get a snack?

Nice try, Darby. Nice try.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Quote of the Day

Casey, while I'm reading a book at bedtime:
Pause! You have to pause it! [He runs from the room.]

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quote of the Day

Darby: I'm getting big with candy corn!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Quote of the Day

Darby: I'm an outer space spacestronaut! We're going to the moooooon!

Happy birthday, Darby.